The Wojciech Bąkowski joinery was founded in 1989 in Zielona Góra (Poland). This was a difficult economic period and many companies were forced to declare insolvency, change ownership or re-establish themselves by producing different products.
Bąkowski established a reputation for high quality work due to his belief in using the best materials, up-to-date equipment and employing master craftsman with many years experience. He was also highly customer focused, ensuring that delivery dates were met and that his respect to the customer was evident when he received the final product.
This quality of customer service together with the image of the company brought financial stability during a difficult economic period.
One summer‘s day in 1993, whilst in Austria, Wojciech Bąkowski had stopped at a small village. He noticed a family house with one of its window shutters damaged. He struck up a conversation with the owner who had wanted to repair the shutter himself but was having problems. The owner complained that there was no joinery in the area. Bąkowski offered to help and in a while managed to repair the shutter. Bąkowski realised that the production of shutters was a specialist area and that it was a market that he could enter. On his return to Poland he explored the idea further and within 12 months he found himself investing in new machines and modernising his workshop. Bąkowski’s joinery soon established itself for the production of high quality shutters. His reputation for craftsmanship and customer care brought in many lucrative orders expanding the company to the position it holds today.
Bąkowski’s window shutters can be admired throughout Poland, Germany and Italy. Many owners of boarding houses, large properties and smaller family houses choose his products. The best advertisement for a company is the good opinion of its customers.
The company has a wide range of shutters to choose from. Shutters are a useful addition to a property. They keep houses cool during summer and warm in winter. They are good for security and also protect from small insects and animals. Tourists should remember, whilst travelling, that when they approach a house, if the shutters are open, then the host is awake, but if they are closed, then the host is still asleep!
Wojciech Bąkowski company was the first to establish itself for the production of shutters during the 1990’s in Poland. Its experience and reliability are a guarantee of your satisfaction
If you decide to install window shutters we invite you to explore Wojciech Bąkowski’s website: